SOMEZ will be present at the Havana International Fair from 2 to 7 November 2015 (33rd edition), on the French flag.
SOMEZ has accompanied Mr. President Francois Hollande during his trip to Cuba.
SOMEZ has the privilege to go with Mr. Hollande, in May 2015, during its movements in Cuba and Haiti. We were present at the President various displacements, it’s including his counterpart and the different members of the Cuban delegation. This allowed us to show our presence on Cuban soil in different areas including water treatment.
Hydrogaïa – May 27th and 28th
SOMEZ celebrates 30 years
SOMEZ in collaboration with E.T.E wins trophy Export Collaborative at the 4th international water Hydrogaia exhibition in Montpellier on 21 and 22 May 2014
E.T.E and SOMEZ win the Hydro Export trophy for their collaboration in Gabon in 2012.
SOMEZ and E.T.E, through their collaboration in the design and supply of filtration systems zeolite win the Hydro Export trophy . The project was lead in Gabon in 2012 to drinkable water as power supply stage of the African Cup of Nations (CAN) to Angondie (Libreville). The SOMEZ was in charge of providing specific zeolites to E.T.E filtration system.